Can You Afford To Stage Your Home?

Can you afford to stage your home? You CAN’T afford NOT to!!!

Preparing your home for sale and presenting it in its best light is no easy feat, we call on professionals for help with many aspects of our day to day lives and you should definitely call in the professional when it comes to preparing, presenting and selling potentially your biggest asset!

I understand not every seller has the funds up front for this process, but we have proven with results time and time again why it’s essential to get it right the first time!

As we only exclusively stage our selling clients homes we are able to unlock a range of benefits not found elsewhere such as unlimited rental period while your home is on the market with us!

Vacant properties cost money and maintenance, staged homes are proven to sell faster and we continually sell most our listed properties within the first week and exceeding sellers expectations!

Did you know we offer a range of flexible payment options from credit card to pay later options – including at settlement.

If you’ve thought you can’t afford home staging, give me a call and we can give you a tailored option to ensure YOU CAN!

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