About us – slide 3

Exclusively available ONLY to our Clients we offer tens of thousands of cutting edge & on trend furnishings to complement a state-of-the-art marketing and sales process. Over and over we sell first weekend, for over asking price and our contracts are supported by us each step of the way until completion

We have helped hundreds of Home Owners to sell and present their properties and to achieve record results. We can save you money in not having to renovate and repair and we offer exclusive benefits that no other Agency can match including FREE photography, FREE Courtesy Removal Vans, FREE on site temporary secure storage, FREE unlimited rental extensions and much much more.

So if your Agent can’t offer you more than just listing your property online and opening the front door for inspections – then you are missing out on a world of benefits and you need to call Unique before signing anything.

What real value does your Agent create for you?

About us – slide 2

James and Monique are long term, career experienced real estate professionals who have worked with Major Franchise Agencies and Large Property Companies – before creating the bespoke Unique brand. 

They have done it all in the property industry to exceed your selling and buying needs.

Monique has a passion and connection to people and property that creates your success. James has the track record in construction and finance to reach your goals. Together you have two senior professionals combined who pride themselves as working to high levels of integrity, transparency, communication, and honesty and this creates more wins for you.

About us – slide 1

In 2017 James and Monique saw a ‘gap’ and a ‘need’ in the real estate market in Cairns. No one was presenting properties to a high level to create an emotional connection for buyers. Sellers were missing out on opportunities; vacant properties were undervalued and interstate and overseas buyers were not attracted to the properties advertised.

So a breakthrough combined Agency was born – delivering both Staging & Styling Packages with a full Licensed Sales Agency. This is still the First and Only and Premiere Office in Cairns and today Unique is the largest combined Agency in Northern Queensland. We operate from the Tablelands to Port Douglas to Cairns and The Beaches.